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Mizuno M1 2024-2025 Club Season

2024-2025 Mizuno M1 Club Season Tryout Dates are posted below for the 2025 Club Season.  

Team Competition Schedules and Season Fees are posted.

Online Tryout Registration is CLOSED.

Manual walk up registration is available at check in.


NOTE: 2024-25 Tryouts will be held on the following dates:

Sunday Oct 27th: 12s,13s, 14s (Times listed below)

Sunday Nov 10th: 15s,16s,17s,18s  (Times listed below)

The Registration "Tryouts" is not currently available.

'24-'25 Tryout/Signing Dates & Times


12s, 13s, 14s
Sunday, October 27th, 2024

14s Tryout: 8am - 1130am (Check In Opens at 730am)

13s Tryout: 9am-1230pm (Check In Opens at 830am)

12s Tryout:  1030am-1230pm (Check in Opens at 930am)


15s - 18s
Sunday, November 10th, 2024

18s Tryout:  730am-930am (Check In Opens at 7am)

17s Tryout: 730am-10am (Check In Opens at 7am)

16s Tryout: 1030am-130pm (Check In Opens at 10am)

15s Tryout: 2pm-5pm (Check In Opens at 130pm)


Please do not arrive any sooner than your assigned Check In Time.

Some players may complete their tryout earlier than others.

Tryout Times are subject to minor changes.




*We will be selecting players for the following 2024-25 teams:

12s  (1-2 Teams)
13s  (2 Teams)
14s    (4 Teams)
15s  (5 Teams)
16s   (5 Teams)
17s (4 Teams)
18s  (1 Team)

Athletes will be selected for 2024-2025 Mizuno M1 Club Membership on Tryout Dates Listed.

It is our goal to have some portions of our team rosters initially selected on tryout day for some ages however roster adjustments and initial team designations will be decided during the first week of practice and continued evaluations for all age groups. 

Roster adjustments may occur at any time during the season if deemed necessary by the M1 staff.  Initial Rosters and Team Placements in each age division will be initially set during the first week of practice (Nov 11-14th)

By signing on tryout day, players are committing to being in the Mizuno M1 Club for the '24'25 season, not to any particular team.

2025 Season Down Pmts of  $1000 and NCR/Mizuno M1

For Players Selected: Commitment/Signing Forms will be required on Tryout Dates after selections are completed.  Players will be sized for uniforms on Tryout Day at signing.  Rosters remain fluid and changes may occur during the season when necessary.

Want To Prepare For The Upcoming Club Season?


2024 Open Gyms, Clinics and Skill Sessions are a great way to prepare for tryouts and the upcoming club season. It also gives you the opportunity to meet some of the M1 coaches!

CLICK HERE for more information



18 and Under Division – Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 OR Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year
17 and Under Division – Players who were born on or after July 1, 2007
16 and Under Division – Players who were born on or after July 1, 2008
15 and Under Division – Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009
14 and Under Division – Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010
13 and Under Division – Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011
12 and Under Division – Players who were born on or after July 1, 2012
11 and Under Division – Players who were born on or after July 1, 2013
10 and Under Division – Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014